Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Capacity Challenges

In groups, Year 4 enjoyed taking part in practical activities with Capacity. Estimating and measuring quantities, including reading scales accurately and changing l to ml and vice versa. The children found that their estimates became more accurate with practice.
Why don't you have a go at estimating and measuring capacity at home?
Have a go at these games:

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Reading Comprehension

It was great to see many of you at the meeting on Monday. Some children have told me that they have already been trying some of the ideas at home!
For those of you who couldn't attend, please follow the links:

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Get Weighing!!!

This week we have been doing practical weighing activities in class. We've been practising reading scales, estimating, weighing and converting g to kg including using decimals.

If you have kitchen and/or bathroom scales, why not do some fun, practical weighing activities at home?

Choose some objects and even people or animals (!) of different weights.
Estimate the weight, then weigh, reading the scale carefully. How close was your estimate?

For some of them, you could change the weight from g to kg and vice versa. eg 500g=0.5kg

7230g= 7.23kg

You could even do some baking, weighing out the ingredients carefully!

Here are some games to try at home:

Saturday, 6 October 2018

Number bonds and times tables practice

Here is a fantastic, fun website, which will also help to practice number bonds and times tables for Maths Mountain. You can also download the app. 

Hit the button Number Bonds and Times Tables Games

Resultado de imagen de hit the button

Thursday, 4 October 2018

How are you feeling today?

This is our feeling box. Where the children are encouraged to write down their feelings to share. It could be to express a worry or a problem or simply to thank somebody for doing something extra kind for them. Anything goes... something the children have enjoyed in class or at playtime, something special that they want to share that's happened at home, celebrating friendships, positive uplifting thoughts! We spend time sharing these thoughts, feelings, worries as well as resolving issues on a Friday afternoon.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Saving Fred!

It seems a long way off now, but during the first week back at school, we did a fantastic critical challenge called 'Saving Fred'. I was impressed with how well the children worked as a team, so I thought I would share some photos.

Monday, 1 October 2018

Active Learn

Active Learn Maths Homework

Your child will have received a book mark with their log-in details for the Active Learn Website.

Please check for new games regularly and ensure your child practises these games, with your support if necessary.

You may find that your child still has some games left over from Year 3, which he/she can finish off little by little.

Welcome to the Year 4 Blog

Here you will find out all about what's going on in class, photos, reminders and ways to reinforce your learning at home.

Please feel free to follow us or comment, it would be lovely to hear from you!