Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Telling the time to the nearest minute


Please practise telling the time at home to the nearest minute.
The children must be able to tell the time in words eg. 5 past 6 and in digital 6:05
                                                                                  eg. 25 minutes to 3  / 2:35
This is something we will be working on all week, with a view to solving problems involving time.
If your child is unsure of telling the time in words in Spanish, please help them.
Please practise the above games.
Telling the time is something on-going that we need to keep working on together at home and in class, coming back to it frequently.
Many children use a digital watch, but it is important they can tell the time to the nearest minute on an analogue clock too, saying the time in words.
Thanks for your support.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Classification of Living Things

Have fun learning more about animal classification and testing your learning by playing these games:


In Science we've been using classification keys to identify Living Things and explore their characteristics. Today the children worked in small groups to produce their own Classification Key to sort and identify mini-beasts. 

Maths Games

Maths Games
Here are some fun games to practise at home:
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 (this one is great for many areas of Number, the ability level can be changed)
http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/me3us/flash/lessonLauncher.html?lesson=lessons/07/m3_07_00_x.swf (try this one mentally by counting on).http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/maths/number/addition_subtraction/play/ (I love this one!)
https://www.echalk.co.uk/Maths/PrimaryNationalStrategy_Yr6/DfES-MathsActivitiesforyear6/index.html (lots of different games and levels to choose from!)

Don't forget to finish all of your Activelearn games and keep going with ttrocks!

Don't forget Maths Mountain this Monday 25th. If you are practicing times tables, this website will help https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button and of course ttrocks!https://ttrockstars.com
I have now set the times tables I want you to practise in the Studio and Garage or you can go online with friends in the Arena!

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today we celebrated friendship! We played ' Musical Friends'. When the music stopped, each child wrote something special on their classmates' heart on their back. We played this until all of the hearts  were full of positive uplifting, personal thoughts about their friends. When the children read these words and phrases it made them feel special and realise how valued they are by everyone in the class!